Providers of education and training services and biotechnology industrials from Hungary, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal or Sweden are sought for the next call of Erasmus+ Skills Alliances
Válida até 2021-04-28
Procura de Parceiros
A French BioCluster is going to apply for the next Erasmus+ Skills Alliances call. This European program aims to design and offer training content and teaching as well as training methods.

They are looking for providers of education and training services and industrials from Hungary, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal or Sweden. The partners are expected to develop a transdisciplinary and professionalizing training offer in digital genomics based on the French cluster's scientific expertise.
The French cluster is the oldest and largest BioCluster dedicated to R&D in genomics and biotechnology in France. Companies, public research laboratories, cutting-edge shared-access technology platforms and facilities for R&D are located on site.

They are currently building a consortium to apply to the Erasmus+ Skills Alliances call.

This a 3-years European program, funded up to 1 million €, aims to design and offer training content and teaching as well as training methods.

It aims to achieve the following objectives:

- Developing partnerships for sustainable cooperation between key players in the genomics and digital sector and public authorities ;

- Identification of existing and emerging skills needs for professions related to digital genomics and the integration of such information into the European skills landscape ;

- Strengthening the exchange of knowledge and practice between education and training institutions and the labour market ;

- Promoting relevant sectorial qualifications and support agreement for their recognition - at university and higher education level ;

- Facilitating transnational certification and professional mobility.

The goal of the French cluster is to develop a transdisciplinary and professionalizing training offer in digital genomics in the framework of the above mentioned call.

Partners are sought to build a training offer in digital genomics consistent with the needs of the sector and the imperatives of the call.

More specifically they are looking for providers of education and training services by enhancing the responsiveness of initial and continuing vocational education and training (VET) systems, at all levels, to the labour market needs. Therefore biotechnology industry representatives are also sought. In particular, they will help in the definition of training programs based on their industrial needs.

The call has not yet been published so the exact deadline is not known for the moment. As Erasmus+ is a recurrent program, the estimate deadline could be the beginning of the third quarter of 2021.

The dealine for EoI: 28th of April 2021.
Proposta em desenvolvimento
Outro equipamento no domínio da medicina e saúde (não especificado) 
PME 11 – 49 (Pequena ou média empresa com 11 a  49 empregados)
Partners sought have to be:

- Providers of education and training services.
They will be in charge of implementing the training framework: methodology, content, follow-up, certification and validation of the knowledge acquired.

- Biotechnology industry representatives.
They will be responsible for integrating the needs and requirements of the industry by participating in the determination of the training program.

The French cluster is looking for partners with strenghts in the field of digital / computational genomics.

The consortium is currently underway, therefore the exact content of workpackages will be discussed with the partners.

The targeted countries are: Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden.
Não relevante
Acordo de cooperação em I&D
ERASMUS+: Sector Skills Alliances
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